Artist: Iacopo Torriti; Iacopo da Camerino (restoration)
Date: 324 ca; 1292
• The original basilica of Constantine of 324 had a mosaic in the apse. When this fell into disrepair, it is believed that Pope
Nicholas IV (1288-1292) financed its restoration in 1292. Pope Nicholas IV was a Franciscan and he hired two Franciscan friars to do the work
• At the top is the head of Jesus with angels. This is probably original as it recalls the appearance of the head of Jesus during the consecration of the church by Pope Sylvester in 324. Below the Holy Spirit descends above a cross. Below the cross the four rivers of Paradise flow into the Jordan. The animals and river may also be original. The saints, from left to right, are St. Paul, St Peter, St. Francis of Assisi (small), Pope Nicholas IV (small), Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. Anthony of Padua (small), St. John the Evangelist, and St. Andrew. The large saints are probably original but the friars added the smaller saints to promote their Franciscan order. Below are the other 9 apostles with a friar near the left and a friar near the right. These may be self portraits of the friars