S. Sebastiano
• This is the entrance to the Catacombs of St. Sebastian. You can visit them still today
• The room within is part of the remains of the 4th century church and contains many inscriptions. Excavations in 1915 found many 3rd century graffiti which mention Peter and Paul. This is because, at that time, the bodies of Peter and Paul were buried here
• While the word 'catacomb' has come to refer to all of the various cemeteries near Rome, it originally only referred to this cemetery. It was known as the 'cemoeterium ad catacumbas' or cemetery at the hollows
• These catacombs were always known and were often visited over the centuries. This included saints such as St. Jerome (340-420 ca.), St. Brigid of Sweden (1303-1373 ca.), and St. Philip Neri (1515-1595).